Step 1:
reference to:
then repo the android2.1 source code
just "make" it
when successfully built,we want to generated new root file system, just copy the rebuild file
mad@mad-desktop:~$ mkdir fatma
mad@mad-desktop:~$ cd fatma
mad@mad-desktop:~$ cp out/target/product/beagleboard/root/* .
mad@mad-desktop:~$ cd ~/fatma/system
mad@mad-desktop:~$ cp out/target/product/beagleboard/system/* .
mad@mad-desktop:~$ cd ~/fatma
solve thing the 0xlab cant play audio,we add some script command in android script
mad@mad-desktop:~$ vim ~/fatma/system/etc/
add command to last line
# kernel 2.6.29
alsa_amixer set 'PredriveL Mux' DACL2
alsa_amixer set 'PredriveR Mux' DACR2
# kernel 2.6.32
# alsa_amixer set 'PredriveR Mixer AudioR2' on
# alsa_amixer set 'PredriveL Mixer AudioL2' on
alsa_amixer set PreDriv 100 unmute
alsa_amixer set 'DAC2 Digital Fine' 50
mad@mad-desktop:~$ vim ~/fatma/system/etc/
add command to last line
# kernel 2.6.29
alsa_amixer set 'PredriveL Mux' DACL2
alsa_amixer set 'PredriveR Mux' DACR2
# kernel 2.6.32
# alsa_amixer set 'PredriveR Mixer AudioR2' on
# alsa_amixer set 'PredriveL Mixer AudioL2' on
alsa_amixer set PreDriv 100 unmute
alsa_amixer set 'DAC2 Digital Fine' 50
ok! now we compress the "fatma folder" to ubi fs image
we must use CD's attach tool, copy three files"mkfs.ubifs","ubinize","ubinize.cfg" to the linux OS.
mad@mad-desktop:~$ mkdir fatmaubi
mad@mad-desktop:~$ cd fatmaubi
mad@mad-desktop:~$ ls
total 78344
drwxr-xr-x 2 mad mad 4096 2010-07-29 22:01 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 mad mad 4096 2010-07-29 17:28 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 mad mad 174424 2010-01-04 19:28 mkfs.ubifs
-rw-r--r-- 1 mad mad 79030 2010-01-04 19:28 ubinize
-rw-r--r-- 1 mad mad 124 2010-01-04 19:28 ubinize.cfg
we must change file mode to excutable
mad@mad-desktop:~$ chmod 755 mkfs.ubifs
mad@mad-desktop:~$ chmod 755 ubinize
mad@mad-desktop:~$ sudo ./mkfs.ubifs -r ~/fatma -m 2048 -e 129024 -c 812 -o ubifs.img
generate ubifs.img
mad@mad-desktop:~$ sudo ./ubinize -o ubi.img -m 2048 -p 128KiB -s 512 ubinize.cfg
generate ubi.img
download the 0xloab's and flash-uboot.bin
unzip,and put flash-uboot.bin to folder
now we can see 5 file
reference to
copy to SD card FAT32 partition
rename ubi.img to android.ubi and cover the android.ubi on the folder